Hi, Mark,

AFAIk it's actually not working with "styling".
But i already asked in the thread:
"[mkgmap-dev] Handling of Garmin magic label codes (highwayshields etc.) 
differs from mp-format input to osm-format ?"
There Steve and/or Clinton gave my the trick to directly insert the code 
into the style file.
You have to put the real hex sign( not the code like e.g. "~[0x1f]" in 
the name line at the position where it should be.
ex. out of my lines file.
highway=* {name '${ref|highway-symbol:box:6:4}${name}' | 
'${ref|highway-symbol:box}' | '${name}'; add display_name = '${ref} 
${name}' }

The square in front of ${name} represents the code.

cheers Gert

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