On 30.12.2009 15:43, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
> On 29/12/09 21:11, WanMil wrote:
>> I have rewritten the MultiPoloygonRelation class regarding the algorithm
>> described in
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon/Algorithm.
> Hi, Thanks for this patch.  I've checked it into a branch called "mp"
> and so a pre-compiled jar file will appear on the download page
> http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/snapshots/ (eg mkgmap-mp-r1447.jar) so that
> people can easily try it out.
> Regards,
> ..Steve
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I just tried out the above patch against rev xx51. It does solve the 
problem of ways not displaying on multipolygon=outer (like the "other" 
patch v2 does) but also did not add some bizarre boundary lines that 
otherwise span some tiles.
On the other hand I could not find any place where polygon ares were 
rendered differently.

Many places correctly rendered with mapnik/osmarender (like the large 
multipolygon forest (inside a relation) East of Vienna is still not 
correctly rendered).
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