> Another idea is to introduce a kind of ShapeDetector which tries to
> regenerate the original shape of a tile / OSM dump. I don't have a good
> idea how to do this and I have less idea how to do this in acceptable time.
> Maybe we can use an java.awt.geom.Area object and add all lines with a
> dimension of 1 unit. At the end of reading the OSM file we could get the
> outer shape from the area object. But I don't think that this is quick.....
If now working with planet files or josm extracts I think most people 
use geofabrik.de extracts (or has someone succesfully used the extracts 
from cloudmade?).
Maybe someone could give them or the osmosis team - a hand in what we 
would need to have changed so that
a) sea polygons are complete inside the extracts
b) routing over extract borders work (well this if someone finds out how 
to get rid of the overlap for mapsource/GPS)
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