Hi Mark,

> For example, if I type 'm' it shows a list of names and the first entry
> is 'Mod Abbey Wood' and the next entry is 'Mabe' which can't be right
> if they are meant to be in alphabetic order. If you then type 'o' it
> shows a list of names with the 'mo' prefix but, interestingly 'mod
> abbey wood' isn't among them. So that's weird. If you type 'a'
> after the 'm', it goes bong and you don't get any names. It's as if the
> 'mod abbey wood' is in the wrong position in the list?

I don't get any of this wierdness and I just tried again after the 
recent check-in-fest.

Thats the sort of thing that happens however if your index files are not 
generated from the exact same .img files in the map, like your
first Baltic map you posted.

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