Mark, WanMil,

It seems that the anti-island check got the piecewise defined coast line
of Inarinjärvi (Lake Inari) wrong.  I now defined a multipolygon for the
lake and its about 700 islands, hopefully making no mistake in the process:

Some islands contain lakes, and according to the wiki should include those
in the relation as well.  Here is an example:

The coastline of Lake Inari is to the west of that lake.
I will have to check if these lakes look fine, and also that these lakes
or patches of water will not inherit the name from the relation.

I will add the lakes on that island to the multipolygon, as a test case.
JOSM is getting slow at this.  Does anyone know a JOSM trick that would
allow me to select exactly everything that is bounded by the current
selection?  There is natural=water near the coastline, on the mainland,
and I do not want to add those as role=outer.

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