Dave F. schrieb am 06.02.2010 14:01:
> I now understand,

I don't think so ;-)

> I was under the
> impression that a line or polygon in the TYP file could be used to 
> represent multiple entities in the OSM data, but as the 'type of entity' 
> name comes from that file, I have to create separate lines/polygons for 
> each different one. A bit labourious.

The name from the typ-file is only used, if the OSM does not have a name on is 

So for example in your typ-file the line 0x01 is called "primary"

If you have a way in your OSM-data, wich is converted to a line 0x01 and which
has a tag name=Examplestreet, than the resulting element in the garmin map will
have the name "Examplestreet".

If you have another way in your OSM-data, wich is converted to a line 0x01 and
which does not have a tag name=*, than the resulting element in the garmin map
will have the name "primary".

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