Yes, now you metion it, I notice that too.

If I change the ( ..... ) for { ..... } which seems more logical, it will give 
not the display at the borders that I want.

At the National Border between Netherlands and Belgium for instance, now only 
Belgium is displayed instead of the desired two names.

So I better leave it like in the default style.

Clinton Gladstone wrote:

Sun, 14 Feb 2010 04:50:22 -0800

On Feb 14, 2010, at 11:32, Minko wrote:

> set mkgmap:boundary2_name='$(mkgmap:boundary2_name)/${name}' | '${name}';

Just out of interest, should the parentheses surrounding mkgmap:boundary2_name 
not be curly brackets ('{', '}')? I noticed this in the default style as well. 
Or is this a syntax which I am unfamiliar with?

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