On Feb 21, 2010, at 1:38, Daniela Duerbeck wrote:

> I know that generate-sea is still buggy but I cannot achieve any blue 
> sea. I try to generate a routable map of the Canary Islands.
> With the mkgmap version 1580 I do not even get the coast lines.
> With 1484 I got blue islands on yellow sea.
> Can there be any interaction between style-files and the generate-sea 
> option?
> I used these style files:
> http://dev.openstreetmap.de/aio/styles/styles.tar.bz2

The last time I looked at the all-in-one (aio) styles, there was no land 
polygon defined in the polygons style (and I presume in the TYP file). You need 
this for --generate-sea=polygons to work correctly. See the documentation in 
the options file for more details.

You may wish to try --generate-sea without the polygon option (using the 
multipolygon option by default). The following works quite well for me:


(And by the way, are you sure you need to run splitter on the Canary Islands? I 
would imagine that the data is small enough not to warrant splitting.)


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