I would say this tagging is simply wrong. a line with tag natural water is 
water. This use is against all the definitions for correct relations.
any renderer not strictly overwriting way/node tags AND deleting/ignoring tags 
from inner members will fail.
For legacy reasons relation support has worked to use a tag from the relation 
and override the tag on the outer way. if tag is only on the outer way use it 
inner way should have no tags at all. But can have other tags which are not 
related to the relation and can/should be processed independent. 
natural=land can be used instead but is entirely redundant a hole in the lake 
is by definition land. The advantage of a redundant tag is that renderer 
without relation knowledge can still produce correct maps.

On 27 Feb 2010, at 13:06 , Minko wrote:

> Felix,
> natural=water & role=inner in the polygons style file (if a rule like that 
> would be possible at all?) will not
> be a solution, because then also lakes within (multipolygon) forests are 
> tagged like this too and will be affected.
> For my case it only has to be applied on relations where both role=inner and 
> role=outer are tagged with natural=water
> The last version of openmtbmap that worked correct for this relation was in 
> december 2009 I guess.
> Radfahrers map of Europa from 09-01-2010 seems also working ok for this kind 
> of relation.
> But maybe in my case its better to accept that the Dutch way of osm tagging 
> is wrong and has to be altered instead 
> of finding a way to solve this with mkgmap ;-)
> Cheers,
> Minko
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