Hi, Felix,

Felix Hartmann wrotes on  Thu Mar 4 20:51:53 GMT 2010
> Will test this out later. You could use my batchfiles
> (create_mapsource_installationfiles_with_mkgmap) which create joined
> maps with address index) instead. That definitely works. Very strange
> nonetheless, but there are simply some bugs in the address index anyhow
> - else it would work better.
Yes, i believe that this works( though i not tested it yet), because i 
forgot to mention that only if the area which is covered by the 
transparent overlay has smaller bounds,  the index doesn't work (for 
this area).
So if i move my cursor on the GPS out of the bounds of the transparent 
map, the index works but afaik it seems( i think it's already mentioned 
in the list anywhere), that the index only works for one area = tile.
May be this is related to this breaking of the index.

By contrast Garmins Metroguide isn't affected from the same overlay even 
if the covered area of the Metroguide is smaller.

Another difference i observed which is OT but related to the index is 
the apperance of the fields in the address search part of my GPS(60csx).
mtbopenmap de shows :
1. Housenumber
2. Street
3. City

Metroguide instead shows
1. country/Region
2. City
3. Housenumber
4. Street

There really seems a problem in the whole Region/country->city->street 
chain. For example as i already mentioned in an other post there are 
entries in the index, where informations are missing or wrong. If the 
cityname e.g. in the index entry  is different from those of the city 
where the street belongs to( KOELN instead of  KOLN), it never could be 
found if you enter the cities name.
The location-autofill function you mentioned is only needed because of 
the missing or caotic address informations in the OSM data. And imo this 
function partially doesn't work as it is described in the code 
(locator.java) and creates sometimes unwanted results.

cheers Gert

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