Hi Daniela,

*From* Daniela Duerbeck wrotes *on* /Tue Mar 9 01:59:57 GMT 2010/


This is just cosmetics but I'd like to know what I have to add in the
typ file that grade 3,4. etc tracks do not get the labels "grade 3", etc
in my device.

TIA. Dani
I suppose "grade ..." is the real label and not an alternate out of the typ-file. If you use MapTk from http://maptk.dnsalias.com/ to manage and compile the type-file, simply set the text size for the object type e.g from "standard size of text" to "no text". It's "TextSize=1" in plain text *.prj file which necessarily you have created. At least it works like if you switch off the visibility of the street label in your GPS with the difference that only streets of these object type are affected. And it has to be noted, that you can't switch it on on the GPS.

cheers Gert

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