On 15.03.2010 00:30, Mark Burton wrote:
>> I do suppose there is some bigger bug, but can live with autofill=1....
> Hey look, why should I spend my time trying to solve problems for people
> who can't even be bothered to say thanks for the effort?
> Felix, you are a heartless tyrant. Go to the end of the queue.
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Sorry, for not saying thanks, but I do hope that you know that I highly 
appreciate all of your (and other mkgmap Coders) work and hope that my 
error reporting helps push mkgmap overall forward. I am simply far too 
much used to simply only write about relevant stuff forgetting saying 

I exchanged set name with set asdf and the map compiled clean withing 28 
seconds. So yes it's my setting of default names for unnamed streets 
that is causing the error. I had my PC running 36 hours on Kosovo and it 
did not finish, so I think something did overflow but the error may be 
elsewhere. It's not very important to me anyhow (now that I know that I 
can avoid it using autofill=1 - as before it was really really annoying 
when running map updates to discover that it had stopped after few time, 
and I had to block my desktop for some more hours/days to push the 
updates through), I simply wanted to tell what's happening.
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