On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 02:06:12PM +0800, maning sambale wrote:
> I'm inclined to think that this is a data problem (the gate should
> explicitly define that is only usefule for pedestrians).  I can't find
> the correct tagging for this one at the moment.  If such tag exist, is
> it supported by mkgmap?

It is this gate, isn't it?
It has access=private, foot=yes.

Maybe mkgmap is being too liberal about the access=private (treating it like
access=yes), or its logic gets confused about the controversial access keys
(access=private would imply foot=private, which contradicts foot=yes).
What if you remove the access=private or add motorcar=no motorcycle=no?
(And while you are at it, add bicycle=yes or bicycle=no too, as appropriate.)

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