On Thu, Apr 08, 2010 at 07:47:55PM +0100, Dave F. wrote:
>> BTW Minko, please check you e-mail client. Your not properly replying
>> but writing new topics. This is a pain in the ass.
>His posts are displaying correctly inline for me in Thunderbird. Are you
>sure the problem's not at your end?

The problem is incorrect In-Reply-To header. If it does not refer to the 
Message-ID of the message that is being replied to, the thread view of messages 
will be broken.

Back on topic, I would appreciate it if someone could test if mkgmap can now 
translate the same OSM way both to a polygon and to a line. This would allow 
the feature to be implemented in the style definition. That would result in 
less code (easier to read and maintain) than doing it in Java. Besides, someone 
might want to generate perimeter highway=service for parking=surface. That 
would be easier by adapting the style file than by tweaking the core.

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