Felix Hartmann wrote:
> No you don't see the point.
You are right. I thought from my point of view: A sd-card with lots of 
space ...
But in the meantime this seems to be fixed. But the other part: to add 
useful information to each other POI is much more difficult. To comment 
out the fix-my-address was easy,
>  I do know that with mkgmap, each point gets 
> this added. But for POI that don't have "contact information" the "fix 
> my address" is added, but complete waste of space, as neither the GPS 
> nor Mapsource/Basecamp will read it. It's like making non routable lines 
> routable - there is simply no sense in doing it, as the GPS won't read 
> it. Hence we increase map size without any benefit. It's like adding 200 
> pages Chinese Characters to the back of a telephone book. Only 1°% of 
> people will ever read it. Hence you waste resources.
Please forgive me, I didn't consider the devices with a limited built in 
But the former question did mix it up.
> (just go into Mapsource or your GPS and try to see for which POI there 
> is a popup, you'll notice that for most there is none (exclude 
> cities/shopping and the few listed).
No, each POI can be selected in the Oregon and I also would appreciate 
the information that is added in the osm database. E.g. which bus halts 
at the particular busstop and where it would go to.
At restaurant I would appreciate the cuisine tag since Garmin offers too 
few coices. The same at shops.There are just a few different kind of 
shops listed at Garmin, but there is no possibility to find the next 
butcher, greengrocer, etc.

But all these wishes would mean to dive into the Garmin maps structure ...


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