On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 04:14:47PM +0800, maning sambale wrote:
>This is interesting because I converted the data from a GDB file (of
>survey points) and then further edited in JOSM.  Node IDs are negative
>because the data didn't come from the main OSM dbase.

I can't remember if mkgmap has trouble with negative IDs. I don't think 
it should.

One thing that you could try is to truncate the file, to search for the 
trouble. Just cut everything after a </node>, add </osm> and save the 
truncated file under a different name.  If that works, go further to the 
file (say, if it has 10,000 lines, go to around line 5,000 and truncate 
there, then at 2,500 or 7,500, and so on) until you can find the 
troublesome spot.

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