On Thu, Sep 09, 2010 at 04:16:26PM +0800, maning sambale wrote:
>The zip contains:
>coastline data
>osm-ph styles folder

I got an exception when trying your style and args. I didn't dig deeper.  
By the way, specifying "ea" in args.list has no effect. It is a Java 
parameter, not mkgmap parameter. mkgmap did log these before crashing:

2010/09/09 12:59:20 WARNING (Osm5XmlHandler): ph_coastline.osm: 
Non-closed coastline segment does not hit bounding box: 892720649 
(11,48494/124,39909) 312537247 (10,99141/124,62028) 

2010/09/09 12:59:20 WARNING (Osm5XmlHandler): ph_coastline.osm: 
Non-closed coastline segment does not hit bounding box: 312537255 
(10,98998/124,62054) 892720555 (11,48520/124,39952) 

I got the same warnings with my command line, using 
generate-sea=multipolygon instead of your generate-sea=polygons:

java -ea -Xmx1024m -Dlog.config=logging.properties -jar mkgmap.jar 
--gmapsupp --generate-sea=multipolygon ph_coastline.osm

You can get the file logging.properties from my page at 

I loaded the file ph_coastline.osm to JOSM. And sure enough, I can see 
gaps between these nodes:
id:892720555 and id:892720649
id:312537255 and id:312537247

The OSM database looks OK, you are just missing ways between these 
nodes. Please ask for the cutting polygon and load it and 
ph_coastline.osm to JOSM. Extend the cutting polygon so that the missing 
ways will be included, send it back, and wait for the results. If you 
are using Geofabrik extracts, the contact person should be Frederik Ramm.

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