schrieb am 27.09.2010 16:49:
> OK, but in practical terms if mkgmap generated a nature reserve  
> polygon, a wood multipolygon and an inner water polygon, wouldn't the  
> visible results be undefined?  In other words, you could end up with  
> either:
> a) Wood multipolygon & water polygon hidden underneath a nature  
> reserve polygon, or
> b) A nature reserve polygon hidden underneath the wood mp and water polygon
> depending on draw order of the polygons (which afaik you can't control).

You can control the draw order of the polygons via the style file. So depending
on the targeted use of your map, the result will look differently but clearly

In case of the example:
My map style would display the wood and the water next to each other. The nature
reserve is displayed on top of both, but it is a semi transparent texture.

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