Thanks a lot, this was the hint I needed. Works now very well.


Am 19.01.2011 13:28, schrieb garvan&maew:
> On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 21:46 +0100, Henning Scholland wrote:
>> Hi,
>> in the resulting osm-file are all values correct. Eg. the
>> elevationline for 20m is tagged with ele=20. Also this line is
>> displayed there elevation is 20m. But this line is named as 6m.
>> srtm2osm-call should be correct. It creates metric values unless you
>> set -foot, what I haven't done.
>> MapSource use also metric system.
>> Henning
> Assuming there is no bug in mkgmap, you should check your style file.
> GARMIN store elevation heights internally in feet, so the meters must be
> converted to feet by mkgmap, following settings in the style file. Form
> your post it would appear that this is not happening.
> I have only used contours with polish format input. With polish format
> you need to add elevation=M in the header portion of the mp file to tell
> mkgmap you are using meters. From what I can see this is handled by the
> style file for OSM input.
> Garvan
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