On 22/01/11 10:57, WanMil wrote:
> I compared the MDR5 code to the cpreview code.
> There is a unique flag for each city (0x800000). cpreview clears this
> flag if the previous region and city name are equal. The index branch
> checks for equality of map index and city name.
> I tried to change that but all I got was some new exceptions in MapSource.
> Steve: Did you also play with this flag?

Strangely I came across a situation today where this came up.

A street was found successfully in a particular city.
However the city could not be typed into the city box on the street 
search tab.

There were two cities with the same name but different regions so I 
thought I might try out unsetting the flag. However it made no 
difference at all. I looked at a real map and I am convinced that
the flag should be unset when the actual name is the same without regard 
to map or region. On the other hand it doesn't make any difference that 
I have noticed yet.

But I did find a real bug... originally I thought I would try to sort 
also by region and that worked - the city could now be found in the city 
field. However that was just a coincidence, I am pretty sure the real 
sort criteria is on the localCityIndex.

I've checked in those changes.

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