> Hi
>> Thats my fault. I didn't actually push the new osmpbf.jar to osmosis's
>> SVN, so Steve never incorporated the latest, fixed, version of the
>> jar. I've just pushed it so hopefully Steve can rerelease a new
>> version. I apologize for the error.
> Ahh, so that was the bug in action. I've repackaged the splitter
> at URL: http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/8/splitter-r161-3.zip
> ..Steve

Thanks a lot, it's working now. It's the first time I tried the pbf 
splitter. The performance is great!!

Anyhow here are my wishes to the ongoing splitter development (don't 
know if this is a good place?):

* Apply the useful output-dir patch to the pbf branch
* Output format pbf (most wanted - where can we start to implement?)
* The output tiles should fill the complete bounding box of the input 
file. Sometimes it happens that areas without any data are not covered 
by the tile bounds. Example: 
shows the tiles of the All-in-One-Map. On the left, top and right of 
tile 66210071 there are free areas that are not covered by a tile. So in 
the generated map there is a hole instead of sea.

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