Am 01.02.2011 09:44, schrieb dom:
> Hi,
> I'm using mkgmap since a while and it works great. Good work and thanks
> to all of the developer.
> I know how many time you are investing into it and how many time such a
> OS project needs to care about.
> So my question is. I already have seen that some of the map compilers
> are calling the mkgmap with the typ file at the end.
> For example: java .. -jar mkgmap.jar [option] typfile.typ
> I also tried it and I found no advantage or difference to a call without
> the typ file?
> What is the reason for this? I also didn't find any doc for this.
> Thanks,
> Marco
If you let mkgmap also create the gmapsupp.img, than you have to call 
mkgmap with a TYP-file. Otherwise mkgmap will use default TYP-file. For 
normal creation of maps it is not necessary to have a TYP-file in 


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