On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 09:45:03PM +0100, Jeroen Muris wrote:
>At the moment, I'm merging my own custom style with the default, and 
>I'm wondering about the use of code 0x10 for landuse=residential in the
>polygons file. Is 0x10 a standard Garmin code for residential areas?

It is not. I just made it up, because it seemed to render fine in my 
Edge 705.

>If not, isn't 0x01/0x02/0x03 a better choice (0x03 is already in use 
>for place=village)?

Could be. I guess that we should revise the polygon rules very soon.

Do you agree with my idea that the landuse=residential and building=* 
polygons should be mutually exclusive? That is, show only the 
landuse=residential on higher zoom levels and only the buildings on 
lower zoom levels?

>BTW: I hope to be able to switch completely to the default style and 
>then fit my TYP file to that. When I'm done with that, is there any 
>interest for that TYP file?

Yes. We could have multiple TYP files for the default style. Minko's 
Mapnik.TYP can be good for newer devices, while cferrero and I seem to 
prefer simpler "non-spaghetti" layout that works on older devices.

I would prefer to have an open source TYP file generator or editor, so 
that changes to the TYP file could be tracked. But I guess we can live 
with binary-only TYP files, if there is no other choice.

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