> On 11/02/2011 20:59, WanMil wrote:
>> I tried to compile a complete europe map. It failed with the following
>> exception (sounds easy to fix...?-):
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at uk.me.parabola.imgfmt.app.mdr.Mdr23.sortRegions(Mdr23.java:54)
> Easy to stop the exception perhaps ;) but how is it getting to be null?
> All regions should have one of those set in the previous method.
> Anyway I just compilled a complete UK extract and tried to upload
> all the tiles and it failed with the usual error after a while. So a
> complete Europe build might be a bit ambitious at this time.
> ..Steve
I think that happens in case the first region has an empty name "".
Then the region is set to null in Mdr28.buildFromRegions(..). I try to 
change the lastName variable to another value. Maybe that works.

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