On 21.02.2011 07:09, Charlie Ferrero wrote:
> On 21/01/2011 18:17, Felix Hartmann wrote:
>> On 21.01.2011 15:12, char...@cferrero.net wrote:
>>> Minko (ligfiet...@online.nl) wrote:
>>> [snip]
>>>> Note that I don't put the line "mapname: 10010101.img"
>>>> in the line above with "description: contourmap"
>>>> because this causes that the contours dont show up in Mapsource.
>>>> If I leave mapname etc out, it shows the contourlines.
>>> No way! Is this why I can't get contour lines to display in MapSource
>>> (even though I know they're there because I can see the contour
>>> elevation labels)???  I'd given up on ever getting contours to work
>>> properly in MapSource.  Prize for obscurest workaround of the year so
>>> far if this works. ;)
>> Highly off topic:
>> 1. Check: Countourlines have to have exactly the same resolution as
>> normal maps (if normal maps 24,22,20,18 countourline maps have to be
>> 24,22,20 (you can skip the 18) - if normal maps are 24,23,22,21,20 then
>> well, your contourline maps need to be also 24,23,22,21,20 - as soon as
>> you leave out a resolution they won't be displayed anymore)
>> 2. Contourline maps have to have higher mapname.
>> --- both is irrelevant if you use basecamp or on GPS, which always shows
>> contourlines if inside same tdb. Problem is 1, in general contourlines
>> work better if you have 23,21,20 as levels on GPS or for Qlandkarte GT.
>> DEM3 data, is not good enough resolution to justify the 2x space /
>> render requirements of res 23.)
> Hmmm - tried this and it still doesn't work.  My contour style has
> exactly the same levels as the base style, and the mapnames are higher.
>    All I can see is the contour labels, but not the contours themselves
> (see http://cferrero.net/maps/img/mkgmapdev_contourissue.png).  If I
> just display the contour maps and not the basemap, it works as expected
> (see http://cferrero.net/maps/img/mkgmapdev_contourissue2.png)
> I'm using Mapsource 6.16.3, my base map has mapname 63247001 and the
> contour tiles are 63247201-63247209, compiled with higher draw priority
> and --transparent
Where did I write you are supposed to use --transparent. Drop that it 
causes only problems.
> The levels definition in both basemap and contours is
> levels = 0:24, 1:23, 2:22, 3:20, 4:18, 5:16
> --
> Charlie
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