Chris66 schrieb am 22.02.2011 17:47:
> the scope for the outerway-tags is depending on the existence
> of tags on the relation (beside of type=mp) ?
> I can't believ this.
> Wiki:


>  * Implementation for compatibility:
>    o Drawing style is taken from the tagging of the relation itself.
>    o If relation is not tagged, the drawing style of outer ways is used.
>    o If the outer styles mismatch or no style is found it is considered
>      an error.

The second bullit describes this requirement.

Basically we are dealing with an "old" and a "new" tagging scheme. And the only
way to differentiate is looking at the tags of the relation.

It would have been nicer, if the "new" implementation would use
type=advanced_multipolygon for distinction. But sadly this is not the way, the
OSM world is working.

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