On 04/03/11 19:02, Steve Ratcliffe wrote:
> Hi
>>>> Knowing if 1825 breaks might be a good clue, I've built a version
>>>> at: http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/9/mkgmap-index-r1825.jar
>>> Build is running.
>> Ok:
>> - No Crash
>> - City-Search is working fine
>> - Address-Search in the limited range is working as before
>> What's not working: The TYP file is ignored :(. gmt shows it
>> is there and everything is correct, but still it is not used.
> Thanks.
> By the way that was actually 1852 not 1825
> If you would be so good to try out 1853 that would be helpful (it is 
> particular suspicion I have - if its not that then I will go back to 
> bisecting properly :)
> http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/10/mkgmap-index-1853.jar
> Thanks
> ..Steve

Your suspicion would seem to be correct. With index-1853 city search
crashes my 605 and the address search returns no results


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