El 08/03/11 23:07, WanMil escribió:
> Next round of the location improvements:
> * The algorithm that searched which elements were contained within a 
> boundary was (is) wrong. I updated some parameters in the Quadtree so 
> I the probability is very much lower that an element is not assigned 
> correctly.
> * The mkgmap:country, addr:country and is_in:country tag is now always 
> assigned with the three letter country code. This makes it possible to 
> define country specific rules in the style files.
> A note ot Carlos:
> With this patch you can add debug rules to the style file. So if you 
> don't understand why a specific region/country is used add the 
> following line to your style files:
> mkgmap:region=* { echo "R=${mkgmap:region} 3=${mkgmap:admin_level3} 
> 4=3=${mkgmap:admin_level4} 5=${mkgmap:admin_level5} 
> 6=${mkgmap:admin_level6} is_in=${is_in:region}" }
> I think your rules are ok.
> By the way: Should I create a branch for my changes? Maybe this makes 
> it easier for more people to test and to play with?
I think that would be good, so that other people can give their opinion.
I'll give a try to this new patch later today and send comments.
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