
here my explanation in short (you may expand it and add some useful hints):

1. Download the locator branch
2. The style file must be complemented with some special address rules. 
Have a look at this post 
(http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/pipermail/mkgmap-dev/2011q1/010656.html) how 
it works. The default style contains some basic rules.
3. You need precompiled boundary tiles.
To create them you need an OSM file that should contain boundary 
information of an area that covers more than the tiles you want to use 
for your map. It doesn't hurt if it contains more than boundary 
information but that needs more memory. You can create such a file e.g. 
with osmosis:
osmosis --rb europe.osm.pbf -tf accept-ways boundary=administrative -tf
accept-relations boundary=administrative --used-node -wx

The precompile boundary tiles are created before the usual map compiling 
when you add the option --createboundsfile=europe-boundaries.osm to your 
mkgmap command line. The files are put to the subdirectory bounds if you 
don't set the option --boundsdirectory=<directory>.
The precompilation must be performed once only. If you are happy with 
them and you get satisfying results you never have to do this step again.

4. Add the index option to your usual mkgmap command line. The 
precompiled tiles are used to retrieve the location information.

So in short:
After having split the boundary OSM file you need to call mkgmap:
java -jar mkgmap.jar --createboundsfile=europe-boundary.osm --index <... 
your other mkgmap options ...> data/*.osm.gz

At the next run you should remove the createboundsfile option.


> Hi
> I think it would be great, to have a wiki page, with some explanations,
> what to do for creating addressindex with locator-branch. Which
> parameters should I use? What to write in style-file? etc.
> I would do it myself, but I don't know, what have to be done.
> Henning
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