MarkS schrieb am 03.05.2011 22:58:
> Would something like this work?
> highway=motorway [0x01 road_class=4 road_speed=7 level 6 continue]
> highway=motorway & oneway=yes   [0x10f01 level 6]
> highway=motorway & oneway!=yes   [0x10f02 level 6]
> Then style 0x01 with no style (so nothing is drawn) - 0x01 would be used 
> for the routing information.
> Then style 0x10f02 as plain motorway and 0x10f01 as motorway with arrows.

The problem is, that the oneway overlay is not only to motorways. So you would
need two line styles for motorways, two linestyles for primaries, ...

And if you want to add overlays for access restrictions, speed  limits or what
ever, th enumber of line styles required is growing exponentially.

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