On 25.07.2011 13:28, Torsten Leistikow wrote:
> Moin,
> Rich schrieb am 24.07.2011 18:58:
>> what is the current suggested use of add-pois-to-areas - have any
>> changes like
>> http://gis.638310.n2.nabble.com/POIs-for-areas-td6043656.html been
>> introduced recently ?
> This modification was never merged into the trunk, because it is not backward
> compatible with the add-pois-to-areas parameter.
> I want to start this topic again later (perhaps with an ugly workaround for 
> the
> backward compatibility), but first I am waiting for the locator branches to be
> settled/merged.
> Gruss
> Torsten
That patch should really be added to trunk. Couldn't you simply change 
it by offering a new syntax.

a) add-pois-to-areas -- behaves as present
b) add-pois-to-selected-areas uses your patch.

else go opposite direction.
a) instead of an explicit add command, use a no-poi command in the 
style-file on areas, so one can exclude them. then it wouldn't clash 
with current behavirour either.

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