Yes Klaus,
I already wrote that in my first reply to your question. In the latest releases 
of Basecamp (since 3.2.1) all access rules are ignored. Some things still work, 
like oneway=yes. And the avoidance options.

I reported this bug on the Garmin Forum but I doubt they will ever look on it, 
because OSM is not supported.
See my (openfietsmap post at

Garmin has started to update the firmware on the latest GPS units too so I'm 
afraid routing will break as soon as everybody has updated their firmware 
(haven't checked if it's the case on the latest firware though).
I changed the routing in my cycling maps and removed all roads with bicycle=no 
to non-routable lines. It is a dirty workaround that is not working for someone 
who wants to choose another vehicle to route with. :-(

"toc-rox" wrote:

Further investigation has shown a significant difference (concerning routing)
between MapSource (Windows, 6.16.3) and BaseCamp (Windows, OS X, 3.2.2).
It seems that the access bits (e.g. access=no; bicycle=yes; ...) in BaseCamp
are not working as expected.

Could someone verify my observation?

Thanks - Klaus
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