My feeling with the problem of flooded tiles always was that the geofabrik extracts are to blame - they're too "tight" in some places, so the coastline breaks in the extraction process already, not during the splitting. That happens for instance in the northwest of germany around emden and in the northwest of india in gujarat.

I generated poly files for these countries which simply extend roughly 10 km into the neighbouring countries and the broken coastlines vanish, even if the splitter splits the coastline in these places.

Am 29.08.2011 01:45, schrieb Bartosz Fabianowski:
Hi list

I spent the last 12 hours debugging sea generation problems in Europe.
After digging through a lot of mkgmap and splitter code, I believe I
understand the source of the issues now.

Since data is processed in tiles, the sea generator will often encounter
coastlines clipped at the tile boundaries. There are heuristics in the
code that should produce valid sea multipolygons for tiles with
incomplete coastlines as well. However, the heuristics fail for the
Geofabrik extracts of several European countries. Here is what I believe
the problem to be:

The sea generator correctly identifies incomplete coastlines. It then
attempts to determine for each such coastline whether it was clipped by
a tile boundary. It is this test that fails for some countries, leading
to missing or inverted sea. The source of this issue can be traced back
to the splitter. Here, tile boundaries are expanded to coarse multiples
of Garmin map units. Tiles therefore become larger than originally
requested. If map data for the entire expanded area is available, this
is OK. But when dealing with country extracts, there may be no data
available for some of the expanded regions.

Here is an ASCII art example, a rectangular extract with a coastline
inside, shown as a double line:

   |         |
   |         |
   |         |

If this data is fed to mkgmap directly, the sea generator will correctly
determine that the coastline was clipped by the left and right tile

If the data is passed through the splitter first, even if no splitting
into multiple tiles should be needed, the tile boundaries are rounded to
the multiples of Garmin map units mentioned above. The tile may thus grow:

|           |
|           |
|           |
| ========= |
|           |
|           |

The problem is that now, the coastline no longer touches the tile
boundaries. The mkgmap sea generator is confused by this and produces
invalid or no sea at all.

An obvious but incorrect solution is for the sea generator to check
whether the coastline reaches the *original* tile boundary, not the
rounded one. This would require the splitter to pass the original
boundary to mkgmap along with each tile. The real issue with this
solution would be that even if mkgmap correctly detects a clipped
coastline, there is no valid data between the original and rounded
boundaries. To construct a proper sea multipolygon, mkgmap would have to
synthesize a coastline in that space, likely introducing ugly artifacts.

A correct solution, already implemented in mkgmap today, is to read
coastlines from a separate file. The file should contain coastlines that
extend at least as far as the rounded tile boundaries. From the mail
archives, it appears that WanMil has identified the same issue before
and proposed this very solution [1]. Coastlines for a larger area can be
extracted using:

osmosis \
    --rb larger_area.osm.pbf \
    --tf accept-ways natural=coastline \
    --tf reject-relations \
    --used-node \
    --wb coastlines.osm.pbf omitmetadata=true

The coaslines.osm.pbf file can then be fed to mkgmap via the
--coastlinefile option.

While WanMil described this solution in December 2010 already, it seems
to have been buried in the mailing list without becoming common
knowledge. Another mailing list post [2] shows that the --coastlinefile
had been broken for a while without anyone noticing, confirming that it
is not in common use.

After spending 12 hours on this today, I hope that others will benefit
from this write-up instead of having to repeat my odyssey.

Anyone wanting to use the --coastlinefile option will require coastlines
for a larger region than the extract they are processing. While the
option does allow several files to be specified whose contents are then
concatenated, it is easiest to load a single file with coastlines for a
larger area.

I have prepared two such files, one from today's Geofabrik
europe.osm.pbf extract, the other from the most recent
planet-latest.osm.pbf. Both files can be found at [3]. I am providing
these files so that anyone working with extracts can download compact
coastlines only instead of having to extract them from the huge
europe.osm.pbf or planet-latest.osm.pbf files.

Right now, the files were generated once-off. If they are found to be
useful by others, I am happy to automate the process and make updated
coastline files available on a regular basis.

Finally, a word of warning: When using coastlines_planet.osm.pbf, mkgmap
needs a *lot* of memory. I found that even for small tiles, 4.5GB of RAM
are consumed by the Java process. With coastlines_europe.osm.pbf, the
memory consumption is about 2.5GB.

- Bartosz

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