On 29.08.2011 22:21, WanMil wrote:
> Release 2020 makes it necessary to add some rules to your style if you
> want to use the address search.
>   From now on the address fields are composed by the mgkmap tags:
>         mkgmap:country
>         mkgmap:region
>         mkgmap:city
>         mkgmap:postal_code
> (NEW)   mkgmap:street
> (NEW)   mkgmap:housenumber
> (NEW)   mkgmap:phone
> Please have a look to the default style how to use them.
> If you use the --location-autofill=is_in please also add a rule for
> mkgmap:is_in.
what would be a rule to get back the --location-autofill=1 behavior (or 
better, but no bounds analysis at all, I want ise tags plus whatever 
tags to be analysed, plus if that fails to search for nearest city/region)?

Also for rules on Polygons, I assume they are only used IF the polygon 
is converted to a POI??? I need no address information for any kind of 
end result area/polygon (but I do want address information for any POI 
that is created by the area-pois option).....
It's good that It's inside the style-file now though (just don't know 
how to use it best without using any of the bounds file that for me does 
not improve the address search)

(BTW I think dropping location-autofill=0,1,2 was never announced on the 
list either explicitely
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