On Sep 5, 2011, at 0:43, Francisco Moraes wrote:

> Does mkgmap support all possible highway shields that Garmin supports?
> Is there any documentation on how to use them to achieve the US highway
> symbols and some of the state symbols as well?

This is what I have from a previous response. It should still be valid:

You need to add highway-symbol prefixes to your lines style file. Example:

highway=motorway {name '${ref|highway-symbol:hbox} ${name}' |
'${ref|highway-symbol:hbox}' | '${name|highway-symbol:hbox}'

>From the source code, these are the possible values for highway shields:

                "interstate" // US Interstate
                "shield" // US Highway shield
                "round" // US Highway round
                "hbox" // box with horizontal bands
                "box"; // Square box
                "oval" // box with rounded end

The US symbols display only numeric values (e.g., "1", "401", etc).
The others are alphanumeric (e.g. "A5").

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