Am 31.12.2011 14:51, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
> Hello WanMil,
>  > admin_level=7 just an example. admin_levels are used differently in
>  > countries and in regions etc.
>  >
>  > > I see
>  > > "Verbandsgemeinde Waldmohr"
>  > >
>  > > which is the only boundary that has admin_level=7. The interesting
> thing is:
>  > > the returned result-list for this boundary is always empty. So,
> maybe there
>  > > is a cheaper way to detect this first or does it means that there
> is a bug
>  > > in quadtree or the selection of the boundaries?
>  >
>  > Sounds more like a bug! But it's also possible that the higher
>  > admin_levels (8,9,10,11) references all other admin_levels and therefore
>  > there all elements of Waldmohr have been removed before querying for it.
> hmm, I think you missed the point that we start with lower admin_levels:
> // Reverse the sorting because we want to start with the lowest admin level
> Collections.reverse(boundaries);

No, I didn't. I should have better written admin_levels (11,10,9,8) but 
the meaning is the same.

> and I found Waldmohr because it prevented the elements from being "fully
> worked out".

Sounds reasonable. But then querying for Waldmohr should have returned 
some elements, shouldn't it?

> So, I agree that this seems to be a bug.
> By the way, I use your bounds from
> Ciao,
> Gerd
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