2012/3/7 Marko Mäkelä <marko.mak...@iki.fi>:
> The USB interface on my Edge 705 is broken, but I have a copy of the
> file system image (which I patched together after the device corrupted
> its internal FAT file system about a year ago for the first time). There
> I have the following world basemap:
> GMAPBMAP IMG   6418432 2009-11-24  23:49
> mtype -i /tmp/1g.bin ::garmin/gmapbmap.img|md5sum
> f0ec7649096a9b388fded7d7604174b6  -
> Best regards,
>        Marko

Hi Marko,

Many thanks. My file is different:

$ ll /media/GARMIN/Garmin/gmapbmap.img.orig
-rw-r--r-- 1 eric users 13123584 16 févr.  2011

$ md5sum /media/GARMIN/Garmin/gmapbmap.img.orig
293d3c96fed262fc80298dd8114fb115  /media/GARMIN/Garmin/gmapbmap.img.orig

Marko: I have seen in the archives that you also reported that the
base map interfered with navigation on the Edge 705! Have you been
able to better understand the issue and correct it? Or have you
removed the base map entirely? The difficulty here is that we may see
several types of errors:
- errors in OSM itself
- interference between maps
- buggy navigation algorithm of the 705.

I believe that relying on one map only may be the way forward anyway.

Kind regards,
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