> On Apr 29, 2012, at 22:07, WanMil wrote:
>> attached patch uses precompiled sea files to generate the sea areas.
> Hi WanMil,
> Thanks for doing this. This seems like a quite promising approach. I'll try 
> to test it in the next few days.
> Coincidentally, I noticed a blog entry from Joachim Topf, where he describes 
> work on his OSMCoastline code, which extracts coastline data and renders sea 
> polygons:
> http://blog.jochentopf.com/2012-03-07-osm-coastlines.html
> I don't know if any of this is relevant, especially if you are now using the 
> precompiled Mapnik sea areas.

It is! Jochens blog gave me the idea to use sea information from another 
source (don't reinvent the wheel :-). I tried but didn't succeed to run 
Jochens new program. But it would be very good to use his new approach. 
The precompiled mapnik sea files have a big disadvantage: the land areas 
overlap and this has to be removed by the mkgmap precompiler. This is 
very expensive and requires a long time (maybe some optimizations are 
possible for that...)


> Cheers.
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