Hi Uli,

thanks for the hint. I just found out that the error is in the 
problem-list-generator. It use the wrong test to detect whether a way is a 
problem candidate or not. 
As a result, it adds far too many ways to the list. 


Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 18:15:43 +0100
From: ulib...@gmail.com
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] splitter improvements

I think the memory requirements are more dependent on the data than on the 
splitter version:
I have a self created data set consisting of germany + ~50 kilometers plus the 
data from iceland cut with osmconvert.exe from the europe.osm.pbf from 
geofabrik, which is processed without errors with versions 225, 229, 230 and 
231 using 32-Bit-jvm with Xmx1376m. When i use the about the same sized 1.9 GB 
"germany+"-dataset from here: ( ) i can't get thru the 
data without java heap overflow, even with 64-Bit-jvm given Xmx3000m. I think 
there is some kind of endless loop or the like, which causes the algorithm to 
overflow the memory in some circumstances.

Anyway, good work until now! I'm eager to test further splitter versions don't 
requiring the giant overlap-values for routing.

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