> Hi,
> I've now compiled a Benelux map succesfully with the housenumber search.
> In the errorlog (mkgmap-r2494) it reported housenumbers with fixme and 
> streetnames
> (dont know if this is fixed already) but in general it can find most 
> addresses.

I think there is nothing to fix? If the addr:housenumber tag contains 
the value "fixme" it's a tagging error. Anyhow I will lower the log 
level of the error message.

> I even merged the whole database of ALL streets+housenumbers for the 
> Netherlands into
> the OSM extract (so called BAG data from the Dutch Kadaster) and this went 
> fine :-)
> One issue is that Mapsource displays street,housenumber,province,country but 
> not
> street,housenumber,place,country and this is only for some addresses in this 
> street.
> Other addresses in the same street can find also the placename.

Do you use preprocessed bounds? Which mkgmap parameters do you use?

> This BAG dataset that I merged with OSM contained the nodes with 
> addr:housenumber and addr:street tags, but
> maybe the search would improve if I added addr:city as well or is it an index 
> problem?

addr:city is not evaluated for housenumber processing.


>>>     <tag k="addr:housenumber" v="055892500"/>
>> Thanks, that's in my part of the code. It is as you say probably not
>> a real number and I don't know if numbers that big can be represented
>> in the format or not. If they can't then I will just ignore it.
>> ..Steve

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