Another option is to replace 0x4b with another polygon without special 
behaviour. That gives consistent results and no drawbacks that I could 
notice so far...
On 30.03.2013 18:20, WanMil wrote:
> Please ensure that you use at least mkgmap version r2479. In older
> versions it happened that --transparent did not work for some countries.
> WanMil
>> Hi,
>> I've observed a similar behaviour in BaseCamp. I don't know why the
>> parameter '--transparent' does not what it is expected to do, but the
>> background with type '0x4b' is always shown in BaseCamp regardless if the
>> parameter is set or not.
>> Is this caused due to BaseCamp behaviour or due to a possible bug in mkgmap?
>> Is one of these parameters I use at least the reason for creating the
>> background (multi)polygon?
>> ... --add-pois-to-lines --add-pois-to-areas --pois-to-areas-placement
>> --link-pois-to-ways --adjust-turn-headings=1 --process-exits --merge-lines
>> --remove-short-arcs --reduce-point-density --reduce-point-density-polygon
>> --min-size-polygon --draw-priority=10 --index --route --tdbfile ...
>> A workaround is to add a transparent bitmap with type '0x4b' to the '.typ'
>> file and delete the corresponding entry in the '[_drawOrder]' section.
>> Is there already an answer / a solution to the previous post from Thorsten?
>> Thank you.
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