well for me it's a bit more complicated, because I often run checks on 
the set values (and whether they were set because of physical 
inabilities or legal). Therefore I already run one set of alternative 
name scheme for access values - but the branch meant I needed to 
ammend/change about 500 lines of code. If it was only about changing the 
access value it would have been easy, the problematic part was that 
simply replacing bicycle= and bicycle!= was impossible due to other keys 
which would have conflicted - so I ended up manually going through 
everything using CTRL-H reading each line before changing - instead of 
CTRL-H and "change all"...

the fact that private would mean yes made it even more difficult - as I 
had quite a few checks for & bicycle=private or bicycle!=private that 
needed to be replaced with an alternative keyscheme (and hencefort 
adding a check for each of them further down the lines file)...
On 04.10.2013 20:16, Henning Scholland wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm simplifying these things just in the beginning for all needed
> cases. Eg.
> bicycle=designated | bicycle=official {set bicycle=yes}
> bicycle=private | ( access=private & bicycle!=yes) { set access=no }
> and so on. If you'll need the original values, you can use a
> namespace. But I only care about "Are bicycles allowed or not". Don't
> know if you do the same. So in the end of this process all ways with
> common access-tags have an access=yes or access=no. These two values
> are used in the style afterwards.
> Henning

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