Am 23.11.2013 09:36, schrieb Gerd Petermann:
> Hi Henning,
> okay, maybe it was an error in the update process. I see that
> e.g. OSM stats also had problems:
> Anyway, it is obvious the code in splitter is missing a check,
> either in the o5m read or in the write routine (or both) :-(
> If you can reproduce the problem with the downloaded planet,
> maybe try to use --output=pbf first.
> Gerd

Hi Gerd,
I'm not that familiar with o5m-format, but it is possible,, that only a
part of the world is corrupted?
Maybe you remember, that I'm splitting all my maps at ones. And all
other maps are correct. If it's not possible, I think splitter have a
problem with this.

Also I can update the used planet-file with osmupdate.


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