Thanks Minko!

I found a problem with the ref handling (not yet fixed).
Second I must have a look how the finalize section works together with continue statements. There might be something wrong.


Wanmil wrote
What do you mean with inc/address is not allowed on top? In my tests I
did not find any problems with housenumber search.

See my first issue. Why are all the place pois gone?
Do I have to put the include 'inc/address' and inc/place in the finalize 
section at the end (as you have done in the lines style)?

I would like to check that. But I need your complete style files. You
can also send them directly to me if you don't want to post them here.

My styles are here

Typ file:

I only added to the end of the line style this rule

# The finalizer section is executed for each element when a rule with an 
element type matches

# calculate the access rules
include 'inc/compat_lines';

And I copied compat_lines to the inc subdirectory
In this file I deleted the line include 'inc/roadspeed'; to ignore the maxspeeds

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