On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 02:02:00PM +0100, Andrzej Popowski wrote:
using ref tag for name is programmed in default style, see file inc\name. I think you can correct it in file points, moving line "include inc\name" after definitions for tag "place".

Right, this would fix the problem for place=*. But, before fixing that, I would like to ensure that the boundary=administrative relations are working in a similar way.

I guess that the inc/names is not such a good idea for other than commercial POIs (shops, fuel stations, anything with a fee). The ref=* does make sense for roads, but operator=* (such as the maintenance operator) or brand=* probably do not. However, there is no problem for roads in the default style, because the 'lines' file is not referring to inc/names.

In Finland, street names are supposed to be unique within a municipality or city (admin_level=8). So, for the address index it would be best to only use the 'city' name from the boundary relations, and to ignore any suburbs or city parts. If I now search for Vantaa, I will find some streets located in the city. Other streets would have to be sought in city parts such as Vantaanportti and Vantaanlaakso. Hardly anybody would know all the city parts.

While the suburb or city part borders are useless for address search, they could still be interesting on the map display, because the Finnish 'cities' typically contain many 'towns' separated by large areas of nearly uninhabited farmland or forest.

Another issue is that the boundary naming rule in styles/default/relations does not seem to have any effect any more. The boundary lines near my home are only listing one of the relation 'owners' instead of showing all names that were added to mkgmap:boundary_name. The lines used to list all municipal or provincial borders (e.g., Kerava/Sipoo/Helsingin seutukunta/Itä-Uusimaa/whatnot). Now only one name is being shown at random. On the Finnish/Russian border, that name is 'Suomi' (Finland in Finnish) for a few sections of the border, but many sections have some transliterated label from some Russian boundary=administrative relation.

I wonder if it would be possible to define up to 4 labels for an administrative border, like for streets. If it is possible to show only one label for a border, it should be that of the municipality ('city'), not smaller (suburb or village) or bigger (province, state or country, if the municipality happens to be on a provincial border).

I think that it could make sense to define separate lines for interstate or international borders (so that the major border could be overlapped with a lesser border that belongs to the municipality or province bounded by the same line).

Best regards,

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