Hi Johan,

please check 
Does that help?


Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 12:29:49 +0100
From: osm...@gmail.com
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Y-branches on motorways

In the situation a motorway splits in two motorways (a socalled Y-branch)  I 
used the following line in my style to make sure the destination:ref and the 
destination were displayed in my Garmin:

highway=motorway & destination:ref=* {name 
'${destination:ref|highway-symbol:hbox} ${name}' | 
'${destination:ref|highway-symbol:hbox}' | '${name}' ; add  mkgmap:display_name 
= '${destination:ref} (${destination})' }

Yesterday I used a new mkgmap  version with the new standard styles mixed with 
lines as the one above. I noticed that in Y-branches the destination was not 
displayed anymore.

What am I doing wrong here?
Cheers, Johan

mkgmap settings (not changed for the new version):java -Xmx6000M -jar 
mkgmap.jar --help --style-file:mkgmap/styles/default 
--name-tag-list=int_name,name --family-id=9001 --product-id=1 
--family-name=Benelux --region-name=Benelux --description=Benelux 
--region-abbr=BNL --latin1 --code-page=1252 --license-file=mkgmaplicense.txt 
--copyright-message="OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL. See: 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright"; --draw-priority:25 
 --remove-short-arcs --bounds=bounds.zip --location-autofill=nearest 
 --link-pois-to-ways --process-destination --process-exits --x-housenumbers 
--housenumbers --index --route --gmapsupp --tdbfile --nsis 
--remove-ovm-work-files *.osm.gz mkgbase.typ

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