
my style include a lot of rules like this:

highway=footway            [0x1200d resolution 23-23 continue]
highway=footway            [0x1100d resolution 24 continue]
highway=footway & 
              (bicycle=designated | 
               bicycle=permissive | 
               bicycle=official |
               bicycle=yes)    [0x0a resolution 24 road_class=0 road_speed=1]
highway=footway        [0x0d resolution 24 road_class=0 road_speed=0]

IMHO mkgmap count four lines, is that correct?

now it is difficult to find the error, if the files includes up to 700 lines, i 
think, there are some larger styles around the world
mkgmap tells:
Error in style: Error: (lines:393): Stack size is 0
but the line with the error is line 485 in the style file

my error was to use '[' instead '(' ;-)


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