Hi Felix

Am 27.03.2014 19:59, schrieb Felix Hartmann:
> That is also quite nice, my main problem with this approach is - can we
> by now assume that the mkgmap:country tag is 99.9% available correctly
> when using precompiled bounds?

I haven't heard about any complaints about this.

> if not passing options from commandline is in this case more reliable -
> because if you know that you only have input from one country, then give
> options on commandline aobut include - and not read a tag from data.
> Also I would suppose this is quicker.

I would assume it's quicker. But I'm also publishing my style and other
people will (maybe) render a map of an region. It's a lot of easyer for
them to just use the style, don't care about the region, instead of
needing a option to set. Can you explain there is the difference between
include in options-file and two or more styles? Via include you can
create a "header-style" which only uses include. Eg.


> Of course if you build a Europe map, or another multi country map - then
> better use from the style. But that's exactly why actually both
> conditional includes would be useful.

If you build maps, which are not just country-maps, you'll need an
style-based thing. But I can understand, that performace is a good
argument. So I agree both is useful. But thinks like "default-name" or
something like that shouldn't be set in options.


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