Hi Brett,
Maybe you cna have a look at the Lambertus generic new style maps.
Recently I have put a dashed overlay line next to the highways to indicate the 
surface is unpaved.

highway ~ 
'.*(trunk|primary|secondary|tertiary|unclassified|residential|minor|road).*' & 
mkgmap:unpaved=1 { add mkgmap:road-speed = '-1' } [0x10002 resolution 21 
continue with_actions]
highway ~ '.*(byway|living_street|service|cycleway).*' & mkgmap:unpaved=1 
[0x10002 resolution 23 continue with_actions]

The styles you can find here:

> Strange as it might appear in Europe but gravel roads that can be
> impassible by normal cars are classed as National Highways in
> Australia. Still have not worked out the best way to render gravel
> roads but still keep their road level rating. Duplicating all the road
> lines for gravel will likely mean running out of Garmin hex codes for
> line type. Also OSM surface rules are rather weird. Bit like the
> hiking classifications that are very word long, but at least they are
> a standard. Tempted by the technic used by some for bridges to render
> gravel roads.
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