Am Freitag, 11. April 2014, 12:50:25 schrieb Waxy:
> Grave (RestrictionRelation): 63240003.o5m: Turn restriction
> (no_left_turn) (at
> way doesn't have
> required node
I see this with one relation, where the 'to' way is on two tiles, see the 
attached files and the output from mkgmap

bernd@apoll:~> pygmap3

II: using splitter-r321

II: using mkgmap-r3178

II: using

II: using

II: now updating bonn.o5m, please wait...
II: splitting the mapdata with areas.list...

II: Now building bikemap
Time started: Fri Apr 11 18:21:47 CEST 2014
Schwerwiegend (RestrictionRelation): /home/bernd/map_build/tiles/65010032.o5m: 
Turn restriction (only_straight_on) (at way doesn't have required node
Time finished: Fri Apr 11 18:26:10 CEST 2014
Total time taken: 262676ms

  ---------- bonn ready! ----------


Attachment: bonn.kml
Description: application/

# List of areas
# Generated Thu Apr 10 19:02:07 CEST 2014
65010001: 2314240,251904 to 2342912,296960
#       : 49.658203,5.405273 to 50.273438,6.372070

65010002: 2342912,245760 to 2365440,274432
#       : 50.273438,5.273438 to 50.756836,5.888672

65010003: 2342912,274432 to 2365440,296960
#       : 50.273438,5.888672 to 50.756836,6.372070

65010004: 2365440,245760 to 2379776,266240
#       : 50.756836,5.273438 to 51.064453,5.712891

65010005: 2365440,266240 to 2379776,276480
#       : 50.756836,5.712891 to 51.064453,5.932617

65010006: 2365440,276480 to 2371584,296960
#       : 50.756836,5.932617 to 50.888672,6.372070

65010007: 2371584,276480 to 2379776,296960
#       : 50.888672,5.932617 to 51.064453,6.372070

65010008: 2379776,251904 to 2387968,282624
#       : 51.064453,5.405273 to 51.240234,6.064453

65010009: 2387968,260096 to 2404352,282624
#       : 51.240234,5.581055 to 51.591797,6.064453

65010010: 2379776,282624 to 2390016,296960
#       : 51.064453,6.064453 to 51.284180,6.372070

65010011: 2390016,282624 to 2408448,296960
#       : 51.284180,6.064453 to 51.679688,6.372070

65010012: 2310144,296960 to 2342912,339968
#       : 49.570313,6.372070 to 50.273438,7.294922

65010013: 2312192,339968 to 2342912,395264
#       : 49.614258,7.294922 to 50.273438,8.481445

65010014: 2342912,296960 to 2365440,319488
#       : 50.273438,6.372070 to 50.756836,6.855469

65010015: 2342912,319488 to 2365440,333824
#       : 50.273438,6.855469 to 50.756836,7.163086

65010016: 2342912,333824 to 2365440,358400
#       : 50.273438,7.163086 to 50.756836,7.690430

65010017: 2342912,358400 to 2365440,401408
#       : 50.273438,7.690430 to 50.756836,8.613281

65010018: 2365440,331776 to 2379776,356352
#       : 50.756836,7.119141 to 51.064453,7.646484

65010019: 2365440,356352 to 2379776,401408
#       : 50.756836,7.646484 to 51.064453,8.613281

65010020: 2379776,354304 to 2390016,397312
#       : 51.064453,7.602539 to 51.284180,8.525391

65010021: 2390016,354304 to 2408448,387072
#       : 51.284180,7.602539 to 51.679688,8.305664

65010022: 2379776,331776 to 2390016,354304
#       : 51.064453,7.119141 to 51.284180,7.602539

65010023: 2390016,331776 to 2396160,354304
#       : 51.284180,7.119141 to 51.416016,7.602539

65010024: 2396160,331776 to 2400256,354304
#       : 51.416016,7.119141 to 51.503906,7.602539

65010025: 2400256,331776 to 2410496,342016
#       : 51.503906,7.119141 to 51.723633,7.338867

65010026: 2400256,342016 to 2410496,354304
#       : 51.503906,7.338867 to 51.723633,7.602539

65010027: 2365440,296960 to 2379776,321536
#       : 50.756836,6.372070 to 51.064453,6.899414

65010028: 2365440,321536 to 2379776,331776
#       : 50.756836,6.899414 to 51.064453,7.119141

65010029: 2379776,296960 to 2390016,315392
#       : 51.064453,6.372070 to 51.284180,6.767578

65010030: 2379776,315392 to 2390016,321536
#       : 51.064453,6.767578 to 51.284180,6.899414

65010031: 2379776,321536 to 2390016,331776
#       : 51.064453,6.899414 to 51.284180,7.119141

65010032: 2390016,296960 to 2394112,317440
#       : 51.284180,6.372070 to 51.372070,6.811523

65010033: 2394112,296960 to 2410496,317440
#       : 51.372070,6.372070 to 51.723633,6.811523

65010034: 2390016,317440 to 2398208,331776
#       : 51.284180,6.811523 to 51.459961,7.119141

65010035: 2398208,317440 to 2410496,331776
#       : 51.459961,6.811523 to 51.723633,7.119141

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